Prayer at City North


How to get involved

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Sunday Prayer

Every person who walks through our doors on Sunday matters. So every Sunday we pray over every individual seat in our auditorium. This way we know every person will be covered in prayer.

You can be part of Sunday prayer by coming from 9:15 to 9:30a on Sundays. There’s no ongoing commitment, or any special requirements. Just come pray.

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Request Prayer

If there is anything going in in your life or the life of someone you love that you’d like prayer for please don’t hesitate to let us know. We have a team ready and waiting to pray for whatever needs you have. If you would like your name, or any other names to be kept confidential there is a place to mark that on the prayer request and our team will do so.

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Pray With Your Church family

One of the most important things a church family can do is pray for each other. We are called to bear one another’s burdens, and to go to God on behalf of each other.

If you’re interested in praying for the prayer requests submitted to City North you do so by signing up with the button below.

7 Days of Prayer

City North Church hosts a 7 day prayer event

Watch prayer services live

A few times a year we set aside seven days to focus on prayer. The truth is we can never really win in life if we don’t win first in our spiritual life, and our number one weapon is prayer.

During 7 Days our building is open for prayer services at the following times:

Sunday Worship & Prayer Night: 6:30PM-7:45PM
